A Worthless Sacrifice

The recent death of reporter James Foley at the hands of ISIS and the past death of American ambassador Chris Stevens have an interesting similarity. Both men were known to be liberals, and some would even say they were educated in a radical liberal tradition.

Writing in USA Today, David McKay Wilson claims that Marquette University, “the Catholic Jesuit college in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, at which Foley deepened his Christian beliefs and earned a bachelor's degree in history, influenced him greatly.”

Wilson writes that, “Foley was a devout Christian who, unlike most journalists I've known during my almost four decades in the field, was unapologetic about his heart for social justice and the inspiration he found for his beliefs in the New Testament.”

For those who have not been following the heretical theology coming out of South America, social justice is an ideology popular among many liberal Catholics, today. For others, it is a way of wearing the wool of Catholicism over the wolf of communism.

We must respect the courage and sacrifice of Foley and Stevens, but we must also question their teachers and their values. Did Foley’s teachers mislead him into thinking that Islam is not what it is, a death cult? Did Foley and Stevens believe the evil that killed them was something other than what it is?

“According to Daniel Greenfield, writing for Front Page Magazine, “Foley came to Syria to support the Sunni Islamist rebels against the Syrian government.

He cheered on the Sunni Muslim terrorists fighting to ethnically cleanse the Christians of Aleppo. In the conflict between Israel and Hamas, his tweets and retweets were chock full of pro-terrorist propaganda.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, educated at the University of California at Berkeley, was the product of a liberal education that valued the new policies coming out of the White House towards the Muslim world. Did these new policies lead him to underestimate the risk he was taking at Benghazi? If Stevens made one mistake, like Dido, he may have trusted when he should have doubted.

In spring 2011, before Stevens left for his fatal assignment in Libya, he met with Douglas Kmiec in Malta. Kmiec is a well-known law professor and commentator, who has been a key Catholic supporter of Obama.

According to Kmiec, he and Stevens, "spoke of the inter-faith diplomatic effort of President Obama." Afterwards, Stevens sailed in a Greek ship to Libya.

“As the President’s representative, his job is to develop a strong, mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Libya.”

In a memorial written for ambassador Stevens, Fr. Robert F. Leavitt writes, “May the killers of Chris Stevens and the others, the fanatical types who use religion or even the insult to religion as a provocation to murder, be brought to justice. And, may Islam and Christianity be able to flourish one day alongside each other in the land of St. Augustine."

We should hope for justice for both Stevens and Foley, but we must also hope and pray that those in the Catholic Church and those professors who want social justice, understand the enemy. The have a moral obligation to tell the truth about Islam. If they had done so, Foley and Steven could be alive, today.

Yes, we all should pray that those who perpetuate the heresy of social justice and the lie that Islam is a religion of peace, come to their senses, soon. Otherwise, many other young men like Stevens and Foley will be misled about the enemy and come to an untimely and gruesome death.

Robert Klein Engler lives in Omaha, Nebraska. He is a graduate of the University of Chicago Divinity School. His book,  A Winter of Words, about the turmoil at Daley College, is available from amazon.com.

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