Human Shields Don't Need to Eat

Anyone who can continue to express support for Hamas, at this point, is irredeemably beyond help and certainly beyond persuasion by what appears below.  Nevertheless, for those people for whom religious persecution, forced female genital mutilation, rape, enslavement, beheadings, mass executions, and more are insufficient proof that the civilized world is dealing with something truly, truly evil, here is one more example of the utter depravity of the jihadist mindset.

From the Jerusalem Post (emphasis mine):

6:23 p.m. Terrorists in Gaza fired a 107 mm rocket at the Kerem Shalom crossing for goods, the Defense Ministry said Thursday.  The attack came despite the fact that the crossing is used by Israel to send hundreds of trucks of  humanitarian goods and fuel per day.  Since the beginning of the war, more than 5,000 trucks carrying tens of thousands of tons of humanitarian goods, including medical equipment, food, fuel, gas, and other goods have crossed via Kerem Shalom into Gaza.

Not only are Hamas using their fellow Gazans as cannon fodder.  They are actively working to deny their human shields food and other humanitarian aid.

Enough said.

Or not?

Gene Schwimmer is the author of The Christian State.

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