It's all in the Book

People will always eventually tell you who they are. It’s as if they’re compelled to do so. They’ll tell you in their own words, especially when it comes to their shortcomings. All you have to do is listen closely. I had an old girlfriend tell me “You know, I get very jealous”.  I found out later that she was being truthful when she said that. I wish I had taken her warning more seriously and not dismissed it with other warnings she had offered. “When I get mad, I really get mad”, she said. She would get so mad that she would commit physical attacks against me and others, mostly over jealousy. Again, I wish I had headed the warning. Maybe we all would have practiced our dodging maneuvers more. She liked to throw things when she was mad.

I said to a friend once that I’d share a lifeboat with him anytime. He said laughingly that if we shared a lifeboat he would end up taking all my stuff. He wasn’t lying! Even though we never shared a lifeboat he always ended up taking my stuff. Hats, gloves, jackets, all kinds of stuff of mine would end up somehow in his possession. If I had taken him at his word I would have watched my stuff more carefully.

Another friend told me one day, out of the blue, that he could be very vindictive. He said that it didn’t take much. Boy, was he right. I saw this vindictiveness come out at his friends, girlfriends, bartenders and servers, even an entire sports bar and restaurant. He told me who he was and he wasn’t kidding.

Over time I learned that when people will tell you who they are, believe them. They’re not kidding.

In 1941 in the heat of World War II, Winston Churchill believed if the United States would join the war it would assure an allied victory. Churchill visited President Roosevelt at the White House in hopes of continuing to secure U.S. support and soliciting greater U.S. involvement. He asked Roosevelt, regarding Hitler, if he had read his book. Churchill had read Mein Kampf, the book Hitler authored while he was in jail. It was all there in the book. Hitler had written a self- identifying book telling the world who he was. It contained who he was and what he intended to do if he had the power. At the time of Churchill’s visit Hitler was executing his plan and the British were feeling it full force. Since Hitler came to power and the events of the 1930’s unfolded, it became apparent that Mein Kampf was the blueprint for the Nazi takeover of Europe and the engineering of the master race. It was all there in the book. He told us.

The Hamas Charter is, in effect, the book that many are now reading and quoting. It’s all there in the book. They’ve told us who they are. The destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews is one of their main objectives. They write about the worldwide caliphate and the conversion or elimination of the infidels. It is the explanation of what is happening and what will happen in the future, unless they are stopped by a greater force.

There are many examples of the author writing down exactly who he is. In the community organizer Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals he writes about targeting your enemy, isolating them, and publicly ridiculing them to break them down. He believes that the ends always justify the means, regardless. t’s all there in the book. Alinsky followers have adopted his beliefs. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will tell you in their books who they are what they believe, and what they’ll do given the opportunity. It’s all there in the books. They told us who they are. Why are some surprised at this transformational mess? Perhaps some people didn’t take them at their word.

If you wanted to know who the Americans are, a good place to start would be the Declaration of Independence. Americans believe that all men are created equal endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights among those life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It’s all there in the book. Believe it.

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