Opportunity knocks for rioters, looters in St. Louis

After an unarmed man was shot dead by a policemen in a struggle for his gun, some St. Louis residents grabbed the opportunity of a memorial vigil for the head man to turn the occassion into a chanve to riot and loot.

Washington Times:

Authorities on Monday unleashed tear gas on a crowd that swarmed the streets of St. Louis to protest police who shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager.

Protesters turned violent in the last several hours, looting and vandalizing several stores, KSDK-TV St. Louis reported. Specifically, they were smashing car windows and breaking into stores, carting away merchandise. The rally began Saturday after Brown, 18, died from multiple gunshot wounds from a police officer.

Among the damaged and looted stores were QuikTrip convenience shop and a liquor store, KSDK-TV reported. There was at least one report of a fire being set and several reports of gunfire.

Police called in dozens of extra officers to help control the crowd. Protesters had been chanting “No justice, no peace” in recent hours, along with “We want answers,” the local television station reported.

Brown was shot after an altercation with another man that led to the shoving of the responding policing officer that led to a scuffle over his gun. The police officer then fired off his weapon, ultimately killing Brown.

Yes, they're poor people who are upset at the actions of the cops in killing the young man. And yes, they probably feel frustrated about our system of justice.

But how does looting a liquor store address the problems of poverty and perceived injustice? It doesn't of course, except to dull the senses for a few hours after some binge drinking.

I have no sympathy at all for the rioters and looters. They are not interested in justice. Their nihilism should not be excused or explained as anything except what it is; an attempt to steal something for nothing.


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