Too war weary to do the right thing

War weariness - that delicate condition Americans are suffering in such great numbers that it is dictating our foreign policy. After fourteen years of fighting in Afghanistan along with the Iraq war simultaneously, Americans have had enough. No more war. No boots on the ground and no military offensive. Humanitarian relief is Ok, but we shall not engage the enemy on the battlefield regardless of their unspeakable assault on the innocent and the defenseless

The enemy decides who lives and who dies.  The crimes of the innocent are largely about worshipping an unapproved religion. They are told to renounce their ancestral religion and accept Islam as their faith or die a horrible death. That goes for the family too.  Beheadings, crucifixions, buried alive, kidknapping and rape are the methods of these terrorists, taking away freedoms as they see fit.

President Obama promised to end all the wars for the sake of ending all the wars. Winning all the wars was not part of his strategy which has resulted in an even more aggressive enemy.

In almost every town in America, there is a war memorial honoring the brave men and women who fought and fell for freedom. These memorials are stark reminders of the cost of freedom. These war heroes are ordinary men and women who refused to stand by and do nothing in the face of evil.

The political class today, led by Obama, wants to appease and apologize their way to world peace, the liberal utopia. They say if we could just have peace we would have the foundation for social justice and economic fairness. There is no consensus definition of social justice, it is whatever you need it to be. Social justice references are found in discussions of race, abortion, income inequality, LGBT rights, environmental issues, and contraception. It is also part of the discussion of the war on women and as of last week, the war on young black males.

As for economic fairness, that is simply the taking of the rightfully owned property from one and giving it to another through government coercion. If you fight for world peace and social justice you will end up with neither. Military and economic strength have always resulted in peace for America.

For the war weary among us, l understand your fatigue with all this fighting for freedom this last 238 years. It could have been less weary for everyone. Let’s say the patriots at North Bridge in Concord were too weary to fire the shot heard around the world.  What if Washington was too weary to cross the Delaware?  What if the allied forces were too weary to take the beaches at Normandy? What if Patton’s army was too weary to race to the Battle of the Bulge at Bastogne to stop Hitler’s last major offensive before he committed suicide in defeat.

The US military is misused only when it is restrained.  When it has been used to it’s potential it is the greatest liberating force for good in the history of mankind. I suggest to the war weary, lay back and be weary.  Don’t expect the rest of us to join you.  We are not weary - rather we are vigilant.  We are good people prepared to do something about this evil that is on the move We have a major enemy today that is killing the innocent in the Middle East and threatening our national security.  We are not too war weary for the fight to protect and preserve our freedom. This enemy needs to be defeated and we’re just the ones to do it. No, we are not the world’s policeman. We are the freedom police like it or not.   If we are not willing to stand for freedom in the world then who will adopt this noblest of virtues? 

Looking away because we’re too weary is shameful and it does not define our people.



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