White House to send 3 aides to Michael Brown's funeral

The White House announced that three aides would be attending the funeral of Michael Brown, the Ferguson, MO man killed by police.

The blog Weasel Zippers notes that President Obama failed to dispatch any White House personnel to the funeral of Major General Harold Greene who was klled in Afghanistan, but feels compelled to send 3 aides to the funeral of Michael Brown.

Fox News:

 President Barack Obama is sending three White House officials to the funeral service of the Missouri teenager whose death in a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, has sparked days of racial unrest.

Leading the group for Monday's service will be the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, Broderick Johnson. My Brother's Keeper is an Obama initiative that aims to empower young minorities. Johnson is also the secretary for the Cabinet.

Also attending will be the deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, Marlon Marshall, and an adviser for the office, Heather Foster.

The White House says Marshall is a St. Louis native and attended high school with Brown's mother.

Everything is politics to this president. If he can't get any political mileage out of a presidental action, he ignores it.

About the only thing he does where politics is ignored is golfing. As we've seen, the president has a curious blind spot when it comes to his time on the links, not caring what anyone thinks about his golfing.



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