Al Jazeera sues Al Gore

Last month, Al Gore sued Al Jazeera America because the network withheld millions of dollars Gore said he was owed from the sale of his failed Current TV company.

Now the Qatar-based network has sued Gore and his business partner for "misrepresentations."

Associated Press:

Al Jazeera America is suing former Vice President Al Gore and Joel Hyatt, the former owners of the TV network that became Al Jazeera America.

The parties are fighting over money that is being held in escrow. The former vice president and Hyatt, the founder of Hyatt Legal Services, sued the network last month saying that it was improperly withholding tens of millions of dollars placed in escrow when Al Jazeera bought Current TV for $500 million.

Al Jazeera America says it is entitled to the money because Gore and Hyatt agreed to indemnify the network for claims made against Current TV, but didn't live up to their promise. It accuses the pair of "misrepresentations" and says they received hundreds of millions of dollars from the sale.

Gore and Hyatt filed a lawsuit against the network in the Delaware Court of Chancery. The two men each owned 20 percent of Current TV.

Current TV was a spectacular failure. Many of its prime time shows failed to draw audiences above 4 figures - barely registering on the Nielson meter. Al Jazeera isn't doing much better despite several high profile American journalists on its program schedule. This weekend, the network will fly banners over several NFL games. They've drastically cut back their TV advertising and you have to wonder how much longer the Qatar government will keep pouring money into this lemon of a netowrk.

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