Thanks for the Warning, Mr. President

Put this interview in a time capsule and stow it away. Open it in the future, hopefully a future in which the thinking and the analytic will smirk and shake their heads at the nature of this interview and the lame responses from “the President”.

Mr. Obama’s train of thought is non sequitar and intrinsically self defeating.  He is choosing to postpone the long awaited immigration reform.  He explains his proposal makes perfect sense and declares the country is clamoring for an amnesty like solution.  Only the House Republicans are against the idea.

If indeed the country is behind his “common sense” solution to our immigration problem, why not flash your “phone and pen” to enact such a popular measure before the elections?  The true answer is obvious.  All that he offered in the interview is not true.  The country is not enamored with the idea of an executive ordered amnesty, for if they were, it would certainly be executed before the election cycle.  Obama admits, by his delay, that what he is declaring regarding the popularity of this amnesty initiative is indeed false.

Secondly, Mr. Obama should be called on his game in which he pretends and misrepresents the House Republicans as interlopers perpetuating gridlock.  Mr. President, these representatives were duly elected and in direct response to your presidency.  They fill the “people’s” house.  Why are they to be ignored and unconstitutionally circumvented?  Merely because you have a notion of what is best for the country does not equate to abandoning our system of government.  What in fact is “good for the country” is adhering to the Constitutional operation of the government.  What you think is “best”, comes a distant second.

Additionally, Mr. Obama refers to illegals as being “our friends and neighbors”.   My friends, Mr. President, obey immigration laws.  The suggestion that our immigration laws now in effect somehow do not allow the “best and brightest” to attain citizenship is a blatant misrepresentation of the laws on the books.  And what of those who choose not to sign up for your program?  Still our neighbors and friends, still best and bright?  Or do they get deported pronto?

The “children at the border” immigration crisis event has alerted the nation to the immigration problem, we are told.  In reality, the quirk in a law that allows for those from non bordering countries to seek asylum was abused.  Here is a time for “phone and pen”, and here is a time to hold to the real definition of asylum.

Indeed, Mr. President,  the number of apprehended illegals coming across the border has dropped over the last decade as you say.  President Bush was a little soft on Mexican immigration, but your past 6 years, the lion’s share of a decade, was border enforcement at your command, or lack thereof.  Choosing not to enforce law is no way to correct legislation.  Violating your oath of office to uphold the laws of the nation is not good form for either yourself or your attorney general.

And finally, Mr. President, thanks for the warning.  In this video,  (2:00 mark) Mr. Obama inserts the phrase, “I’m being honest, now”.  What exactly were you being prior to the warning, other than being illogical and misleading?

 In the future we would all hope that you begin your diatribes with the declaration of honesty, rather than declaring honesty half way through.  So until further review, we will assume unless properly notified, that what we hear is somewhat less than candid honesty.   We await and welcome your next warning.


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