The money in pro sports attracts the lawyers

Angry at your former NFL NBA boyfriend, ex husband?  Lawyer up! 

Lawyers find money, or is it the other way around?  Regardless, there has been discovery and a nexus. Here we go.  Many thought the concussion issue would be the the prominent tapping into pro sports money pot.  But it looks like Gloria Allred and the sea of lawyers are taking depositions as fast as their little recorders will take them.  And these depositions aren’t about helmet headaches, but women done wrong by their men, elevator slappings, child abuse and abandonment.  Saucy.

Of course, genuinely outrageous abuse of women happens in pro sports. But as Jack Cashill points out, at a lesser rate in the NFl than in the same demographic society-wide.

Vindictive and angry, and Hell hath no Fury as a woman’s scorn, those with grievances against the man who fathered their baby and left, slapped them around, or spanked their child a little too vigorously are incited and enabled.  At this point it matters not if the grievances are legitimate or not, they are well received and assumed true in today’s media.  There is a lawyer waiting to hear your story, for free.

The word on the street is that there is a glut of lawyers.  Well, I’ll bet the NFL and the NBA are doing some hiring today.  Get those resumes over there ASAP.

This stream of events will probably last longer than the typical 3 day news cycle because the money stream is large and the season is long.  Where did our star running back go?  Our leading rebounder did what?

The trajectory of pro sports has been most remarkable, one in which it has taken pro athlete salaries from what a plumber or electrician might expect to a level that would approach cancer curing research achievement or Velcro patenting.

When the money gets too big, they will find it, and find it they have. Not just via agent fees, merchandise, and giant salaries for NFL CEOs, even though they are “non for profit”.  Now pro sports is met with ethics violations, combined with angry women and lawyers.  Is there a scarier combo?  Jilted women and political correctness all to be figured out by lawyers.

The seemingly legitimate concussion class action suits that sit in the waiting may still be the pro sports associations biggest issue.  But those cases lack the glamour and allure of tawdry behavior and political incorrectness. The NFL and soon the NBA will have a difficult time tamping this one down.

What is the latin legal phrase for “blood in the water”?

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