Where have all the anti-war protestors gone?

A clarifying moment in the history of the far left. Since 2009, the US has gone to war in Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and the odd military action in Nigeria - all without specific congressional authorization And yet, the anti-war movement - who never met a policy by President Bush that they didn't turn out in massive numbers to protest - has remained dead silent in the face of a massive expansion of another war in Iraq (or maybe it's the same one) and Syria.

The Boston Herald's Howie Carr noticed this too:

t’s all very confusing. When George W. Bush considered invading Iraq without a declaration of war, the Democrats wanted to try him for war crimes in The Hague. When Obama does the same thing ... crickets.

Which raises another question: Where exactly is the anti-war movement?

Have you see a single “No Blood for Oil” sign in Cambridge?

To paraphrase the John Kerry of 2004: “Can I get me a candlelight vigil here?”

Whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan? Where is Code Pink? I haven’t seen an “EndLESS War” bumper sticker in years, since 2009 to be exact.

The anti-war movement is MIA as this war, er counter­terrorism operation, begins. Back when Bush was waging war, dissent was the highest form of patriotism. Now it’s “racism.” If you speak truth to power in the Obama era, they call it hate speech. The IRS will audit you.

Obama’s media sycophants described his prime-time speech as “nuanced.” I’d call it ragtime.

I thought the moonbats didn’t want the U.S. “going it alone.” You hear that phrase on the networks now about as often as you hear the words “full employment.”

And why is the president so outraged about a couple of beheadings? When a Muslim terrorist yelling “Allahu akbar!” murdered 13 servicemen at Fort Hood, Obama shrugged it off as “workplace violence.”

Now Obama’s suddenly “all wee-wee’ed up” about non-Muslim Muslims murdering Americans.

Flag-draped coffins at Dover AFB are no longer a feature of the nightly news. Remember Wolf Blitzer’s nightly trumpeting of Bush’s plummeting approval ratings?

Now the polls are so bleak for the Kenyan Katastrophe, CNN doesn’t even mention them anymore. I’m surprised they ran the Kerry soundbite even once about how we’re not really at war against SIS, or is it SIL?

Can I get me a “War Is Not the Answer” bumper sticker here? Not in Cambridge I can’t.

Gee - could it be that the anti-war movement is just another partisan creation of the Democratic party? Looks that way. Apparently, the far left believes that as long as Obama's heart is in the right place, all else can be forgiven.

The grand dame of liberal commentary magazines - The Nation - is opposing the expansion of the war in Iraq, but in the most mild terms you can imagine. No calls to bring the president up on war crimes. No calls for impeachment for going to war without authorization. The rhetoric is rueful and disappointed rather than righteous and indignant.

In fact, the protests held to date have not been against the administration, but rather "racism" or "police brutality." You can bet if Ferguson occurred six years ago, there would have been loud and vociferous calls for the resignation of President Bush's attorney general, among others.

With no lefty media calling for protests, there probably won't be any. Even the anarchists and commies are silent. It's a phenomenon that proves the shocking level of hypocrisy and partisanship inherent in any leftist protest movement, but especially the anti-war crowd.


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