Massive vote fraud lawsuit filed in Maryland

The Democrat mantra that vote fraud “doesn’t exist” – as Eric Holder again proclaimed a couple of days ago – is once again contradicted by the facts. The Virginia Voters Alliance has filed suit with strong evidence:

…that individuals who opted out of jury duty because they were not legal U.S. residents have cast ballots in at least three Maryland elections.
Bryan Preston Explains in The Tatler:
Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections. Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same grouppreviously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland. It is a federal crime to cast votes if you are not legally eligible to vote. Non-citizens, whether in the country legally or not, are prohibited from voting in most local and all state and federal elections. Yet the VVA investigation found that hundreds of non-citizens have been voting in Frederick County, Maryland. One in seven Maryland residents are non-U.S. citizens.
Based on the number of potential unqualified voters identified in Frederick County, up to 7 percent of Maryland’s registered voters could be illegal immigrants, according to estimates. “Their continued appearance on these lists makes it nearly impossible for Maryland law to prevent these declared noncitizens from casting votes in elections and significantly affecting the integrity and outcomes of overall electoral processes,” said Reagan George, president of the Virginia Voters Alliance, which brought the lawsuit on behalf of four Frederick County residents: John Miller, Virginia Grant, Kathy Troxell and Robert Bogley.
Needless to say, illegal voters favor Democrats heavily, by as muych as 4 to 1. This situation, which probably exists in many states, requires legislative remedies:
Del. Pat McDonough (R-Baltimore and Harford Counties) detailed the alleged fraud in a Maryland press conference today. He is calling for a special state prosecutor because the fraud may be taking place statewide, with significant impact on Maryland elections. Maryland currently holds 10 electoral votes in presidential elections. McDonough is also proposing legislation including voter ID to close the loopholes that he says non-citizens are using to cast votes. In a statement, Del. McDonough says:
You can count on Democrats to oppose this legislation, as they oppose voter ID and other voting integrity measures. They are the win-by-cheating party.
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