Obamacare Epidemic is Out of Control

Today, I received my corporate based healthcare benefits package in the mail.  Turns out, it’s more ominous and reality-based than the much-hyped Ebola could ever be.

Starting in 2015 my annual out-of-pocket maximum will shoot up another $3,200 to $9,200. Specialty drug copays up 20%; my annual deductible for family coverage doubled and my employer will no longer make contributions to employee Health Reimbursement Accounts(HRA’s) as an incentive for staying healthy.

Next, the report says we “can’t guarantee you won’t see any increase in your paycheck deductions.” I will find out what those increases are in November. In 2014 the amount I paid per paycheck for medical insurance doubled from the previous year, so I am not holding out much hope for 2015. For those of us with at least one chronically ill family member, Obamacare is a plague on our households. Beginning in 2015, we will not be able to afford the life-saving drugs, regular CT scans, outpatient diagnostic procedures and inpatient surgeries our sick loved ones depend on.

Why the changes, according to my benefits manager? Obamacare.

“The government will impose a $125 million “Cadillac Tax” on employer plans that are too generous...we had to adjust our plans so that people who use more benefits pay more.”

Campaigning for his buddy Maryland  Lt.  Governor Anthony G. Brown on Sunday, the man who said we could keep our plans and our doctors, Barack Hussein Obama,  urged the crowd to get out and vote.

“There are no excuses. The future is up to us,” he said.

Yeah, well, we have seen the future, Mr. Obama, it just came in the mail, like it did for individual policy holders last year. Now those of us covered under employer-based plans are faced with a similar dilemma.  Do we keep our high cost company plans with less than minimal coverage and head to the exchanges? Or do we drop insurance altogether, pay the mandated tax penalty and take our chances? The tax penalty for not having health insurance in 2015 is about double the cost of last year’s penalty.  What an oppressive, deathly, deceptive trap the government has set for its own citizens.

No wonder a recent Politico poll had 64% of American people say America is “out of control.” In August, 87% of the people said they don’t “trust the government.” It’s probably fair to say the majority of Americans have lost all respect for their  government officials. Why not? As Obamacare infects family after family, and decimates the world’s best healthcare system, politicians in DC are still trying to decide if they should vote to “fix” the diseased and deadly Affordable Care Act or “repeal” it.   

With 150 million Americans on employer-based plans, 2015 could be a game-changer.  The question is: will we hit bottom with this socialist law?  Or will we sit around until 2016 when  Hillary “universal coverage” Clinton or Elizabeth  “Canadians, Japanese and Europeans have better healthcare than us’” Warren finish what Obama started?

Read more Evans at ExZoom.net

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