State senator who threatened riots in Ferguson arrested

Jamilah Nasheed, state senator from Missouri’s District 5, wants Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson prosecuted, never mind the formalities of a grand jury investigation. She is possessed of knowledge so vast (after all, she has a G.E.D diploma) that it dwarfs the evidence-gathering power of a mere grand jury proceeding. And if she doesn’t get her way, she has threatened riots.

"If you should decide not to indict this police officer, the rioting we witnessed this past week will seem like a picnic compared to the havoc that will likely occur."

Last night, the omniscient Senator Nasheed got herself arrested. Jim Hoff of Gateway Pundit reports:

 On Monday radical far left Missouri Democrat Jamilah Nasheed was arrested in Ferguson, Missouri.


Police have just arrested State Senator Jamilah Nasheed of the 5th District, Saint Louis, MO #FergusonOctober

— Oakley Fullwood (@OakleyFullwood) October 21, 2014

Nasheed sat in the street and wouldn’t move.
Via Twitchy:


So police cuffed her and took her away.

Stand by for her release today, and for tales of police brutality and injustice.

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