ISIL/ISIS Jihadists Behead 11 Syrians Rebels

ISIL/ISIS jihadists beheaded a total of eleven Syrian rebels who had surrendered in several eastern towns on the border with Iraq last week despite pledges of an amnesty, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a human rights monitor.  The Syrian rebels were executed and their bodies hung on makeshift crucifixes in the towns of Albu Kamal and Deir Ezzor in eastern Deir Ezzor province.

The agency said, “The men surrendered in village of Albu Kamal because ISIL/ISIS had offered amnesty to people who fought them if they turned themselves in."  Instead, the agency said, the eight opposition fighters were beheaded and then hung from crosses in a method often employed by the jihadist group.

The monitoring group, which relies on a large network of sources on the ground in Syria, said the men had belonged to a group that had fought against both the Syrian Assad regime and the ISIL/ISIS jihadists.

Meanwhile, in the city of Deir Ezzor, the provincial capital, ISIL/ISIS jihadists decapitated another three men, also hanging their corpses from crosses, the human rights group said.  The group also stated that it was unclear when the executions actually took place, adding that two of the men were accused of collaboration with the Syrian regime, and the third of fighting against the Islamic State jihadists.  ISIL/ISIS has declared a so-called Islamic “caliphate” in the territory it controls in Syria and Iraq, imposing its extreme interpretation of Islam and executing opponents.

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