NY councilman Jumaane Williams wants to prioritize traffic tickets

When I was a teenager I used to get frisked by the cops.  I was a bit of a greaser and looked like a troublemaker.  I didn’t complain.  I was proud that the cops saw me as a problem.  I was rebellious.  I liked that.

When I was in federal prison camp, a CO searched one of my friends.  He complained like a child.  I hoped the guard beat his head in.  I don’t like crybabies.

Councilman Jumaane Williams with his long dreadlocks looks like a troublemaker.  He is freakishly concerned with profiling, yet he dresses like a punk.  If he dressed like sophisticated blacks – David Webb, Ben Carson, Senator Tim Scott – he wouldn’t be so worried about the superficialities of appearance.  He is looking for trouble.  He swirls in a gestalt of negativity disguised as concern.

Whereas everyone used to feel that profiling was negative and television stations did not want to isolate the color of a perpetrator, Williams now wants to itemize race and ethnicity on each traffic stop.  He has flipped the script.  He is promoting the opposite of what he once complained about. 

He now wants to keep a detailed record of race with regard to traffic stops and tickets.

Blacks are butchering each other in the hood, and this moron wants the police to waste their time on traffic tickets because it hurts his feelings to get stopped.

Williams says that his bill emphasizing race will “alleviate tensions between cops and communities of color.”  Why doesn’t Williams try to alleviate black on black crime?  No, he wants to specialize in traffic tickets. 

If I lived in the hood, I would tell Williams to get out of here.  I wouldn’t want his stupid mind interfering with policing that might save my life or some mother’s or my grandmother’s. 

Williams says that “[p]olicing is done differently depending on where you live and often times on how you look.”  Boo-hoo, Williams.  Get a haircut.  Sing along with the Scarecrow: “If I only had a brain.”

No, maybe you should sing along with the Tin Man – “If I only had a heart.”  You have no heart.  You see everything ideologically and racially and feel nothing for the people swept under the rug because of your typical ideas.

Or what about the Cowardly Lion?  Williams has the same mane.  He has the same penchant for excuses.

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