Alahu Akhbar Derangement Syndrome

The medical community is alarmed by the recent outbreaks of the AAD Syndrome. Recent virulent outbreaks have occurred in Australia, England, and France.

France has been especially plagued by AAD outbreaks spread by an as yet unidentified virus. Just recently (12/23) a man shouting “Allahu Akbar” started destroying Christmas decorations in the city center of Le Mans. When the police arrived he then tried to take a weapon from one of the police officers. This follows numerous recent virulent outbreaks including a driver shouting “Allahu Akbar” who ploughed his Renault Clio into pedestrians at several different locations in the eastern city of Dijon. The outbreaks in just the last month have killed over a dozen people including school children.

Health officials at the UN Center for Disease Control are working overtime to control the outbreak of AAD Syndrome but fear that a vaccine will not be available in the near future. In the meantime officials note the catalyst for AAD appears to be associated with Christian artifacts and fear that until a vaccine is discovered that Christian communities will have to be quarantined.

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