Beyonce now free to travel Cuba
Thank you Barack. What a wonderful favor for your friend. Now Beyonce won’t have to go through the “was it legal, was it not” when she travels to Cuba. Was that the driving force and clever diplomatic foreign policy input that propelled the opening of relations with our Communist neighbor?
“Their April 2013 trip, around the time of their fifth wedding anniversary, was highly criticized. It sparked discussion that the two might have engaged in tourist activities that are illegal under the U.S. embargo against Cuba. Under current law and regulation, travel to the island nation is only permitted under license.”
Good to go now.
Who else off the radar was delighted with this move? Who else in the inner circle of the President? The Congressional Black Caucus, for another. Recall the jaunt to Cuba by leaders of that caucus and their publicized praising of the Castro regime.
“The fifty-year embargo just hasn’t worked,” CBC Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Ca.) told reporters this evening at a Capitol press conference after returning from a congressional delegation visit to Cuba. “The bottom line is that we believe its time to open dialogue with Cuba…..Lee and others heaped praise on Castro, calling him warm and receptive during their discussion.
"It was quite a moment to behold," Lee said, recalling her moments with Castro.
“It was almost like listening to an old friend,” said Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Il.),
“In my household I told Castro he is known as the ultimate survivor,” Rush said. Rep. Laura Richardson (D-Ca.) said Castro was receptive to President Obama’s message of turning the page in American foreign policy. "He listened. He said the exact same thing" about turning the page "as President Obama. Richardson said Castro knew her name and district."He looked right into my eyes and he said, 'How can we help? How can we help President Obama?'"
So Beyonce and the Congressional Black Caucus get what they wanted with Cuba.
What is glaringly missing is the delight of the Cuban Americans. What of all those in Washington that were twisted and bothered by torture? Cuba is renowned for unjust incarcerations and “intense” questioning procedures.
And now because of antiquated laws on the books regarding those seeking political asylum, we have a new stream of foreigners into the country. More fundamental transformation at the hand of the President. Likely we will get the dregs of Cuba to our shores. The criminals, mentally ill, etc. will be the first of the political refugees.
This Cuba reset would have been much better if it had been conditional. No more safe harbor for Russian military Navy and no more political suppression. Get something in return. But just like the START treaty with the Russian reset, Obama gets little in return. A new cache of ’57 Chevys and great cigars isn’t enough.