Chicago Mayor Emanuel's son mugged on his home block

New York Mayor de Blasio told his mixed race son to beware of police racism, but Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel understands that the real danger to the children of mayors (and everyone else) comes from violent criminals. The Chicago Tribune reports:

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s 17-year-old son was robbed near the family's Ravenswood home Friday night, according to a mayoral spokeswoman and police reports. 

Zach Emanuel was robbed of his cellphone and assaulted Friday night but was able to join his family on a long-planned trip Saturday, according to a statement released by Emanuel spokeswoman Kelley Quinn. (snip)

Zach Emanuel was talking on his cellphone in the 4200 block of North Hermitage Avenue, across the street and a few houses down from the Emanuel home, when two males approached him from behind, according to the police report.

One of them "placed his arm around the victim's neck in a rear chokehold," and the second one struck the teen with a fist, knocking him to the ground. The robbers took the teen’s cellphone and patted him down, the police report said.

A chokehold? Was this an allusion to the death of Eric Garner? Patting him down? Maybe it is just muggers being thorough.

"The offenders then asked the victim, 'What else you got?' (and) forced the victim to enter his security code to unlock the phone," the police report said.

The robbers then ran away. The teen was treated for cuts and bruises on his face by a personal physician at his home, according to the report.

It will never happen, but Mayor Emanuel ought to make a mayor-to-mayor, father-to-father telephone call and warn Hizzoner de Blasio that sons need to fear violent crime more than crimestoppers.

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