Cops turn their backs on de Blasio at Officer Ramos funeral

Once again, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio was shunned by officers of the police force he supervises, as backs were turned on him at the funeral for slain Officer Rafael Ramos. The New York Post reports:

Mayor de Blasio tried to make peace with the NYPD Saturday, but again collided with the Blue Wall of Resentment.

As he took the podium Saturday at the funeral of slain Officer Rafael Ramos, thousands of cops outside the church turned their backs to the video monitors showing the mayor giving his eulogy inside.

In a gradual wave, the assembled cops nearest the screens and speakers on Myrtle Avenue began to about-face, until the entire sea of blue stretching two blocks had their backs to the image of the city’s leader.

The mayor was laughed at:

Officers outside chatted and generally ignored the [de Blasio] eulogy until de Blasio began to speak in Spanish, which prompted snickers.

Speaking of slights, hizzoner was two hours late to last night’s memorial service. Breitbart reports:

On Friday evening, thousands of New Yorkers attended a memorial service for Rafael Ramos, one of the two NYPD officers assassinated a week ago by an Eric Garner protester. The service brought mourners from every corner of the city. Noticeably late was embattled Mayor Bill de Blasio, who made it to the service only just before its conclusion. (snip)

De Blasio arrived only a short time before the service ended. He arrived around 9 PM to the wake, which started at 7 PM—so late that many assumed he had decided to skip the service, and some early news reports had said he did not attend

It is hard to understand what could have been more important to the mayor than attending this service on time.

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