Could World Food Progam Evolve Into Morton's Fork?

The recent success of U.N. fundraising from private donors has helped save the bankrupt World Food Program (WFP), aka "food stamps" from America. 

Unfortunately, this success may result in higher taxes for everyone.  Bureaucrats who are always looking for more effective reasons to collect money now have  real-world confirmation that people have "money to spare."

This twisted logic is was first promoted by the 15th century by the Archbishop of Canterbury, John Morton.  He became known as the architect of the "taxable citizen" theory called Morton's Fork. 

Various internet sources describes Morton's Fork as "specious" and contradictory reasoning in which contradictory arguments lead to the same unpleasant conclusion.  Archbishop Morton was recruited to help justify the king's tax policies by arguing that any man living modestly must be saving money and could therefore afford taxes, whereas if he was living extravagantly h,e was obviously rich and could still afford them.  It made perfect (?) sense at the time.

Raising "private money" to feed Syrian refugees may be a good example of spontaneous humanitarian action, but it could backfire on those of us who are trying to starve the feeding bureaucrats.

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