The 'worst day' of young Jaden Ramos's life

While the bloodthirsty racist liberals exploded in joy over the deliberate slaughter of two New York City minority (for those who care about that, one was Puerto Rican, the other Asian) policemen, for 13-year-old Jaden Ramos, it was "the worst day of my life."  And that is because his father was one of the murdered cops.  #NYPD strong has a copy of his posts.  (Warning: you might have to wade through some ugly liberal troll comments.)

  A year earlier, Jaden had wished his father a happy birthday with a Facebook greeting:

Happy birthday to the best dad in the world, you are always there for me even when it's almost impossible. We have so many good times it's not even funny, I love you so much.....How does it feel to be 40 ? Your getting old dad but you still look good . Hope you have the best birthday, you deserve it.

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