Child exploitation the new tactic of #BlackLivesMatter agitators

Perhaps it is desperation over the failure of the vanguard of the proletariat to spark a revolution that has caused the explicitly communist backers of agitation over recent deaths of suspects at the hands of police to scrape the bottom of the barrel and drag out innocent children s “protesters.”

Weasel Zippers has assembled pictures of the new and despicable tactic:

A Lexington, KY Walmart:

An Oakland, CA park “where children were encouraged to hold onto pink satin fabric to guide them along the intended protest route across streets and intersections. All the way chanting ‘the system is guilty as hell’ and ‘they shut us down, we shut shit down’”.

And outside Fox News, where the turnout was even less impressive than the sparse numbers in Oakland and Lexington:

These are fanatics exploiting their own children. What’s next? Puppies?

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