Feeling a bit outgunned, Liam?

Last week I wrote here about actor Liam Neesom’s incredible, yet typically liberal, hypocrisy in condemning widespread American gun ownership while he himself makes millions starring in movies depicting extreme gun violence, most of it wrought by his character. Well, Liam’s getting his wish, at least in his own particular situation. The company the furnished the weapons used in the series of Taken films, PARA USA, has decided it will no longer furnish firearms for any movie in which Neesom appears. Here’s the article from Daily Caller reporting their announcement:

PARA USA regrets its decision to provide firearms for use in the film “Taken 3.” While the film itself is entertaining, comments made by its Irish-born star during press junkets reflect a cultural and factual ignorance that undermines support of the Second Amendment and American liberties. We will no longer provide firearms for use in films starring Liam Neesom and ask that our friends and associates in Hollywood refrain from associating our brand and products with his projects. Further we encourage our partners and friends in the firearms industry to do the same.

Neesom’s stupidity in badmouthing his primary audience is just another example of how all those supposedly smart people in Hollywood just don’t get it, as evidenced by the huge opening success of the film American Sniper this weekend. Let’s hope the firearms industry better understands their own market and complies with the request of PARA USA.

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