Hillary Clinton: A Life in Pictures

Here’s your morning laugh, with a bit of electoral optimism mixed in.  Andrew Stiles at the Free Beacon reminds us that, as they say in Hollywood, the camera does not love Hillary.  In fact, I would venture to say that few people photograph worse than the woman Democrats assume will head their ticket, unless Elizabeth Warren changes her mind.  I have always been partial to the “eyes bulging from their sockets” view of her, which is not very hard to capture, since it happens all the time when she gets even a little bit excited.  Even fake excitement.  (Does the former first lady suffer from high blood pressure?)

Stiles drolly labels this example “Terrifying children on the campaign trail”:

But, at least in volume 1 of what promises to be a series, Stiles focuses more on the laugh, with multiple examples.  Yes, that laugh that can peel paint off an enameled surface.

Dang, I wish I had thought of the idea first!

Stiles promises more, but I hope he won't neglect one of my favorites:

Hat tip: Powerline

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