Obama releases five 'violent extremists' from Gitmo

The army of Allah received some reinforcements last night, as President Obama’s plan to close the Guantánamo Bay terrorist detention center moved forward. Five Yemeni “detainees” captured in Pakistan were released, leaving 122 left in the Cuba camp.  Four will go to Oman, and one will shiver in Estonia until the spring comes.  Both nations are welcoming their first Gitmo alumni.  Felicia Schwartz of the WSJ reports:

The Pentagon said detainee Akhmed Abdul Qadir was transferred to Estonia, while four others were transferred to Oman. They included Al Khadr Abdallah Muhammad Al Yafi, Fadel Hussein Saleh Hentif, Abd al-Rahman Abdullah Au Shabati, and Mohammed Ahmed Salam.

Experience teaches that 30% of those released from Gitmo will return to the battlefield, so 1-2 warriors will return to battle the infidel, perhaps killing Americans.  But this does not seem to matter to President Obama or most members of his political party.

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