The missing (white) faces of Southern Poverty Law Center

Richard Keefe of Watching the Watchdogs writes us:

A recent review of the Senior Program Staff page on the Southern Poverty Law Center's website turned up an interesting anomaly: More than half of the 24 names listed on the page were not accompanied by photos, as the rest were.

This seemed a bit odd. A few minutes of Googling revealed what appears to be the truth: nearly all of the Senior Program Staff at the SPLC are white, about 88% of the team. Not exactly the kind of the diversity promoted in SPLC fundraising materials.

One can assume that even the most die-hard donors would have a hard time with that many white faces on the page and so they were simply left off.

Watching the Watchdogs has compiled a gallery of the missing faces here.

For more on th SPLC, see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and many more in our archives.

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