Illegal aliens complaining about life in suburbia

Lawbreakers are victims! Kirk Semple writes in the New York Times:

José was looking for peace and quiet, in addition to work, when he decided to settle in the hinterlands of upstate New York 14 years ago. “A lot of farmland and trees,” he recalled, speaking in Spanish. “It reminded me of my village in Mexico.”

But he quickly learned that being poor and undocumented and living far from the well-established immigrant networks found in the nation’s big cities made life especially difficult. There was the absence of public transportation (he cannot legally drive), the scarcity of lawyers with immigration expertise and a feeling of isolation fed by his inability to speak English and the lack of opportunities to learn it.

“It’s a big challenge,” said José, 38, who works on a dairy farm in Livingston County, where he lives with his wife and four children, about 230 miles from New York City. “We’re a forgotten community in terms of service.” (He asked that his last name not be published because of his immigration status.)

And there you have it. The Illegal Aliens aren't hiding in the shadows any more, they're as out as Anderson Cooper, and not only that, they have a sense of entitlement. What right do they have to anything from America? They are here illegally!

“I worry about people falling through the cracks,” said Emma Kreyche, an organizing and advocacy coordinator at the Worker Justice Center of New York, a group that provides legal representation and advocacy for agricultural and other low-wage workers across the state.

I think the illegal aliens are the ones creating cracks, by having taxpayer money spent on them while they themselves pay no income tax. I worry about people like Emma Kreyche who is enabling them.

The families of dozens of those children have turned to Ms. Kreyche and her colleagues for help, especially in navigating the legal system. But their office, in Kingston, is not equipped to represent immigrants fighting deportation, and such help is scarce elsewhere in the region.

Why do they need help? Obama is no longer deporting them.

Some of Ms. Kreyche’s clients, overwhelmed by the challenge of navigating the system alone, frustrated by the difficulty of getting to court or distracted by what she called “other survival concerns,” simply fail to appear for their court dates “and just disappear,” she said.

Back into the shadows! Only the shadow knows....

Carina Diaz, 31, who emigrated from Mexico in 2005 and lives in Genesee County, said that until recently, her children’s schools neither provided translators for parent-teacher conferences nor translated important documents into Spanish.

Should Carina sue the schools for failing to adequately provide for illegal aliens? Or sue all of America for not speaking her language?

“I would say, ‘What’s this say?’ “ Ms. Diaz recalled in Spanish. “ ‘I want to participate in the school!’ “ Other immigrant parents, she said, chose not to make such demands for fear of retribution. “The parents don’t want to say anything because they don’t want anything done against their kids,” she said.

She's so oppressed by the country she sneaked into!

While some schools in her area had begun to provide interpreting services, she said, there were still no low-cost or free English as a second language classes available for adults. “Many people want to take them but there aren’t any,” she said.

And they're not even free! Why are illegal aliens even asked to pay for anything? Uninvited guests should be treated better than that!

Other immigrants spoke about the difficulties of getting around without driver’s licenses, relying in part on costly private car services.

It can be tough getting around a country you're not supposed to be in.

The scarcity of immigrant services in suburban and rural parts of the state is partly the product of misperception, advocates say: Government agencies, foundations and others who provide financing for such services have not fully realized that immigrants are a significant and needy presence in these areas.

Remember when the "government agencies" concerned with such things were the INS?

While applauding the agency’s work, advocates said it had made just a dent in the services-supply problem and they have pushed to increase its legal staff and the capacity of its language program, among other needs. In his executive budget this year, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo proposed to nearly double state financial support for the office, which was designated an executive agency by legislation passed last year.

Illegal aliens have a friend in Governor Cuomo. If only his constituents did too.

José, the dairy farm worker in Livingston County, said he wished the local community and its public officials were more enthusiastic about the immigrant population’s presence.

The illegal aliens are the virtuous ones. The citizens who don't welcome them are the bad ones, according to the New York Times.

“We are people who aren’t doing anything bad,” Jose said.

I agree, with the exception of trespassing into our country, using fraudulent SSN's, not paying taxes, not integrating, not learning our language, drunk driving, living off of welfare, and sometimes committing crimes, I would say they're perfectly fine.

Pedro Gonzales is the editor of, the conservative news site. Ever wonder if all those mysterious outbreaks, like measles, have any connection to illegal immigration? Here's an infographic with all the easy answers.

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