Language police at University of Michigan propagandize at taxpayer expense

You’d better watch what you say at the taxpayer-funded University of Michigan, for the language police are on guard against politically incorrect language, which might lead to politically incorrect thoughts. Samantha Audia of College Fix reports:

Dozens of posters plastered across the University of Michigan caution students not to say things that might hurt others’ feelings, part of a new “Inclusive Language Campaign” at the state’s flagship public university that cost $16,000 to implement.

Words declared unacceptable through the campaign include “crazy,” “insane,” “retarded,” “gay,” “tranny,” “gypped,” “illegal alien,” “fag,” “ghetto” and “raghead.” Phrases such as “I want to die” and “that test raped me” are also verboten.

I wonder if “cracker” or “whitey” are on the list?

I notice that the campaign’s Facebook page includes photos of male and female same sex couples displaying affection.

Not sure what that has to do with language, but very sure what it has to do with propaganda.

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