Swedish public radio interviewer suggests Jews are responsible for anti-Semitism

Another danger sign for Europe’s surviving Jews, as powerful media turn hostile. Haaretz reports:

Sveriges Radio, Swedish public radio, has apologized for a presenter’s question to the country’s Israeli ambassador about whether Jews are responsible for anti-Semitism.

The reporter asked Amb. Isaac Bachman live on air: “Are Jews themselves responsible for the progression of anti-Semitism?” The ambassador responded that he rejects the question, to which the reporter responded: “Why,” the French news agency AFP reported.

The question came in the wake of a shooting attack on a synagogue in neighboring Denmark, which left a Jewish volunteer security guard dead.

The station issued an apology and removed the program from its on-line archive.

There is no indication that the interviewer has been fired, suspended, or in any way disciplined.

Australian journalist Andrew Bolt correctly calls it out: “the Left provides cover for Islamists.”

Sveriges Radio is modeled on the BBC, and supported by a mandatory license fee on radios. Officially, it is a quasi-independent nongovernmental entity, but its support is via de facto taxes.

Sveriges Radio HQ (via Wikipedia)

Sweden is rapidly turning hostile to Israel as its Muslim minority (based on “asylum”) nears five percent of the population. Haaretz:

Sweden officially recognized the state of Palestine in October, days after new Prime Minister Stefan Lofven announced that the government would make the recognition. In response, Israel briefly recalled its ambassador. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last week inaugurated an embassy for the State of Palestine in Sweden.

Hat tip: John McMahon

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