Barney Frank releases book describing how he made history

Politico Magazine is featuring a zillion-word gushing piece describing how former congressman Barney Frank is coming out with a book called Frank (which I sincerely hope is merely a reference to his last name, and not to a coded slang word.)  Frank will describe Frank's bravery at being the first publicly gay congressman in the House of Representatives.  I salute his bravery, and also recognize him also for another first: the first member of the House of Representatives to admit to using a gay prostitute and letting his apartment be used as a gay brothel.  Since you're going to see Frank pushing his book in print and on talk shows, and since I know he's shy about promoting all his achievements, I think we should also pay him tribute and talk about it here, too:

Frank originally hired Gobie through a "hot bottom" advertisement in the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, and initially paid him $80 for a dangerous form of gay sex.

The ad for Gobie’s sexual services said, “Exceptionally good-looking, personable, muscular athlete is available. Hot bottom plus large endowment equals a good time.” Frank’s “friend,” also described as a “former lover,” was a prostitute who Frank had taken into the House gymnasium, in violation of House rules. The prostitute, Stephen Gobie said they had sex in the gym.

Mr. Frank, who made his homosexuality public in May 1987, said he had paid for sex with the prostitute one time, in the spring of 1985, and had hired him as a personal employee later that year because he thought he could encourage the man to ''change his life.'' (NYT)

Mr. Frank said his actions were motivated in part by criticism that liberals ''are interested in helping humanity at large, maybe with a vote or with a check, but that we don't show a willingness to get involved in particular situations, or particular individuals who might need help.''

It's admirable that Mr. Frank wanted to help this young man.  I think this is the first time in recent memory I have ever seen an actual example of a Democrat patronizing small businesses.  But do you think Mr. Frank was trying to turn him around, or merely turn him over?

Although Politico tried to suggest Frank knew nothing of what Gobie was doing [running a male prostitution ring] in Frank’s own apartment, Gobie testified that Frank knew everything.

Mr. Gobie told of bringing ''clients'' to the Congressman's apartment and he acknowledged that he had been convicted on felony sex and drug charges in Virginia.

Mr. Frank said he dismissed Mr. Gobie in August 1987 after his landlords had told him for the second time about people coming and going from the apartment while he was away.

Frank claimed he did not know about the prostitution ring in his home, but he did use the power of his office to "fix" 33 tickets for Gobie. And he knowingly wrote a misleading letter to Gobie's probation officer in Virginia. Frank received a "reprimand" for fixing the tickets (business insider).

There's no explanation in the articles for why Gobie had so many tickets.  Was he speeding to meet appointments, or do you think he was just parking in the wrong places, metaphorically or otherwise?

The Congressman said that he had paid Mr. Gobie with his own money for the personal errands and that Government or campaign money was not involved. Mr. Frank acknowledged that he broke the law by patronizing a prostitute but said he had not violated any ethics laws or Congressional rules.

This was way back in the 1980s, when paying for prostitution was considered something bad.  If he had been caught at it today, do you think he would've gotten a medal?

The Congressman said the disclosure would not diminish his influence in Congress, where he is known for sharp wit and skillful floor debate and where he is considered a leading voice of liberalism.

Well, he is right about that.  He is the quintessential symbol of depravity and perversion that calls itself liberalism.  I think they should make a statue and fountain of him in Washington, D.C., and have a contest for the best suggestion where to have the water emerge from.

Pedro Gonzales is the editor of, the conservative news site.

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