Exec who mocked Chick-Fil-A now on food stamps

My, what a difference two and a half years and a nasty, self righteous video by a nasty, self righteous man make.  In the summer of 2012, an individual who could only accept diversity, pluralism and multi culturalism as long as it agreed with his politically correct notions, posted a video of himself harassing a Chick-Fil-A order taker on Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day. That was the day those who actually believed in diversity, pluralism and multi culturalism chose to support the fast food chain against those who disagreed with the founder who opposed gay marriage.  The founder didn't say he would fire gay people or those who were involved in this type of union, merely he didn't agree with it.  Hot air ensued.  

Although I had never eaten at any of the chain's restaurants because as a Jew who keeps kosher (biblically mandated, rabbinically interpreted food laws) I couldn't eat their specialties, I decided to lend my support to Chick-Fil-A that day by going to the closest one and ordering a soft drink.  I then wrote  about my excellent kosher adventure.  No I didn't video it and no, I certainly didn't bother the pleasant young man taking my small order.

Adam Smithc-- no, not the famed free market historic economistc--cwas not as accepting.

Smith decided to go through the drive-thru at his local Chick-Fil-A, where he ordered a free water -- the fast food chain offers customers free water -- and videotaped himself telling the drive-thru attendant how much he despised Chick-Fil-A.

“Chick-Fil-A is a hateful corporation,” Smith said, in part, to the drive-thru attendant. “I don’t know how you live with yourself and work here. I don’t understand it. This is a horrible corporation with horrible values. You deserve better.”

Smith then posted the video on his personal YouTube channel, but when he got back to work, he received a major shock.

“I got into work and the receptionist, the first thing, big eyes, ‘Adam, what did you do?’ ... she said, ‘The voicemail is completely full, and it’s full of bomb threats,’” Smith said in an exclusive interview with ABC News' "20/20."

Smith was fired that same day. He said at the time he was earning $200,000 annually and had over $1 million in stock options.

“It was taken when I lost my employment,” he said.  (snip)

Looking back at the video now, Smith said he was emotional.

“I don’t regret the stand I took, but I regret… the way I talked to her,” he told “20/20.”

He even apologized to the drive-thru attendant he was angry with in another video posted to his YouTube channel, which also went viral. She has forgiven him. But Smith says even people who agreed with his pro-gay opinions won’t hire him.

“I think people are scared,” Smith said. “I think people are scared that it could happen again.” (snip)

Smith, with his spotty digital footprint, is still looking for a job nearly three years later, and has turned to meditation. He has also just written a new memoir, “A Million Dollar Cup of Water,” detailing how his public shaming led him from riches to rags and the intensive soul search for healing.

Smith said he doesn’t know if his viral video will ever go away. “It feels like it just happened,” he said.

If I don't like a company's policies or service either I don't patronize them or I politely contact the appropriate personnel.  Certainly the highly paid--one per cent--Smith should have realized the probably minimum wage order taker he was bothering did not set company policy.  However, Smith got one thing right--she was very polite to him and did "deserve better" than dealing with customers such as Smith.  

His rant continues to haunt him.  He later got another job but lost it when his employer discovered the YouTube post. He lost his home, living in an RV (but aren't they bad for the environment or something?) and is now jobless and on food stamps.  Sadly, his wife and four children have also suffered from his actions.

Hey, I have a job for him!  (All together now!)  I'm sure Chick-Fil-A, a tolerant company, will hire him as an order taker.  The innocent, minimum wage worker he harassed can train him in kindness, manners and tolerance.  Go for it! 

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