Good news: Iran declares 'victory' in nuke talks

Iran's state-run press is reporting that foreign minister Javad Zarif has declared "victory" in the negotiations over Iran's nuclear program.  He said no matter how the negotiations conclude, Tehran has come out “the winner.”

Washington Free Beacon:

Javad Zarif, the Islamic Republic’s foreign minister, stated in remarks before the country’s powerful Assembly of Experts, which recently installed a hardline new cleric as its leader, that the nuclear negotiations have established Tehran as a global power broker.

“We are the winner whether the [nuclear] negotiations yield results or not,” Zarif was quoted as saying before the assembly by the Tasnim News Agency. “The capital we have obtained over the years is dignity and self-esteem, a capital that could not be retaken.”

Zarif’s comments were accompanied by a host of bold military displays by Tehran in recent weeks, including the announcement of one new weapon that Iranian military leaders have described as a “very special” missile.

As the United States and Iran rush to hash out a final nuclear agreement ahead of a self-imposed July deadline, Zarif also lashed out at congressional Republicans who have expressed skepticism over the Obama administration’s diplomacy and have fought to exert control over the implementation of any deal.

Zarif dismissed as a “propaganda ploy” a recent letter signed by 47 Senate Republicans that warned Tehran against placing too much stock in a weak deal agreed to by the Obama administration.

Meanwhile, Iran’s military continues to unveil a range of new strategic missiles and advanced weapons meant to project strength throughout the region.

Iran disclosed during military drills late in February that it is developing a missile capable of being fired from a submerged submarine. Top Iranian military leaders have described the missile as a “very special weapon,” according to IHS Jane’s, a defense industry news source.

The foreign minister's statements are a taunt aimed directly at President Obama.  And in a very large way, the FM is correct.  Any agreement that maintains Iran's ability to quickly construct a nuclear weapon is a victory for the Islamic republic.

From top to bottom, this deal stinks.  And given Iran's propensity to interpret agreements any way they wish – as they did with centrifuge technology in the interim agreement – even strict controls on Iran's uranium processing will likely be honored in the breach.

The U.S. will dutifully return to the negotiating table and continue to cave to Iranian demands.  The foreign minister can smell the surrender of the West to Iran's nuclear ambitions and doesn't even feel the need to downplay their victory.

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