Khamenei's political rhetoric versus Bibi's

Has there ever been a more blatant double standard than the positions taken by two White House spokesmen yesterday?  Speaking to Soros-funded J Street yesterday, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough refused to back down from the claim that Israel’s PM Netanyahu forever abandoned a two-state solution when he responded to a questioner and said that today there is no chance for a two-state solution, given that the Palestinian side refuses to acknowledge Israel’s right to exist.  As Lev Tsitrin pointed out, this is what Secretary of State Kerry said in 2013.  Nonetheless, here is McDonough yesterday:

“We cannot simply pretend that these comments were never made,” McDonough proclaimed, receiving a standing ovation from the 3,000-person audience.

However, when it comes to the supreme leader of Iran, who does not face an election (ever), White House spokesman Josh Earnest dismissed his call for “Death to America” (Hat tip: Weasel Zippers):

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