Madame Inevitable is Under 50% in Every Poll

We've been focused on the emails controversy and the other scandal involving the Clinton Foundation.  

Furthermore, we are hearing a lot of serious concerns about Hillary Clinton the candidate. And these concerns are from Democrats.

I've been looking at the head to head match ups for several months and Hillary is under 50% across the board in the RCP average:

  • 47% vs Walker
  • 48% vs Bush (but that includes one poll that had her at 54%..... no candidate has achieved that percentage of the popular vote since President Reagan was reelected in 1984 with 60%... so forgive me for being a bit skeptical of that one)
  • 49% vs Paul, the weakest of all the GOP candidates and least likely to win the nomination;
  • 48% vs Christie
  • 47% vs Rubio

I will skip Huckabee and Carson because they are not top-tier candidates. It could change later, specially Huckabee in Iowa.

My point is that she is the best known candidate running for president but can't top 50%!    

She's been running for president since her husband was president.  

She does not excite the base, a reflection of her lackluster personality and the reality that she was more hawkish about Iraq than Cheney. Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates wrote that Hillary Clinton told him that her opposition to the surge was all political.

Also, let me repeat that all of these polls are pre-emails. It would be interesting to see these polls in a couple of weeks.

The point is that the lady is in trouble, as evidenced by other Democrats who are also smelling blood in the water.

She's likely the nominee but don't bet everything on it. In other words, the GOP nominee could be running against someone else!

P.S. You can hear my show (CantoTalk) or follow me on Twitter.

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