Perhaps he'll see it on Al Jazeera

In what can only be truthfully described as a farce of a presidential administration, our truly lame chief executive has once again assured the American people that he knew nothing of Hillary Clinton’s overt and ongoing violations of national security policies until he was made aware of it, like the rest of the world, by the New York Times.  Right…like we all believe that.

That “read it in the papers” is a dodge this shifty president has used multiple times in the past to absolve himself of responsibility for failures within his administration.  It’s wearing thin – very thin, dangerously razor-thin.  What this joker of a president and his clown crew administration don’t seem to realize is that political power does not in and of itself confer limitless credibility and deniability.  In the affairs of governance, there is a stretching to breaking point, and this bunch has pushed it to the breaking limit.  That is driven home to the American public when the president’s transparent I read it in the newspapers is the only transparent thing about his promised transparent administration.

What the American people have now is a transparently dishonest president whose apparent contempt for us is such that he has no compunction about responding to the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal by saying that he learned about it in the media just like the rest of us.  Well, I have news for the Choom Prexy: many of us are a bit better grounded than you appear to be, and we are left with two explanations for your deceitful responses.  Either you are so out of contact with the national security of this nation that your inept administration would permit this sort of major security breach to occur and threaten our very existence without your knowledge, or you are a serial liar who purportedly wanted to lead this nation but obviously has no clear clue how to do that and repeatedly has refused to accept any responsibility for the failures resulting from that demonstrated inability to provide the level of leadership required of any chief executive, let alone the American president.

What I’d like to know is this: should Iranian nuclear missiles turn the most dynamic country in the Middle East into a smoking wasteland, are you going to claim that your first knowledge of that cataclysmic event came from the media?  

Al Jazeera, perhaps?

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