Two Ferguson police officers gunned down during protest

Two Ferguson, MO police officers were seriously injured when they werre shot during a protest outside police headquarters.  About 70 protestors had gathered at the station following the resignation earler in the day of Ferguson police chief Thomas Jackson.  The shooting occurred about midnight as the protest was winding down.

Police have no suspects, and investigators are unsure from where the shots originated.

St. Louis Post Dispatch:

After the shots were fired, the scene turned chaotic. Some protesters dropped to the ground. Others fled the scene.

Several members of the media, including a Post-Dispatch reporter and photographer, were near the officers who were hit.

Media and police ran behind two brick walls and officers pulled out their weapons. Then a line of police cars from more than a dozen departments arrived.

Police closed South Florissant Road in front of the police station and cordoned a section of the area off with crime scene tape.

Belmar said the shots were fired from across Florissant Road, northwest of the police department. Witnesses said the shots appeared to come from the direction of a block of homes on Tiffin Avenue that intersects South Florissant Road, where the police department is located. 

Bradley Rayford, a freelance journalist who has been reporting from Ferguson since the unrest began there last summer, said he saw three or four muzzle flashes from the crest of Tiffin Hill, a residential neighborhood with large century-old homes.

He was in front of the police line on South Florissant at the time. He said he couldn't tell if the shots were being fired from a vehicle.

At 2:30 a.m. a contingent of about 25 officers ascended the hill and began scouring the front yard of a home directly behind a tire business, their flashlights sweeping in arcs as they searched for evidence.

The gunfire rang out as the protests seemed to be dwindling. 

About 25 protesters remained at the scene about two hours after the shooting. Police wouldn't let them leave until they gave statements.

The protesters seemed to be two camps. The first were there to make a point that they weren't satisfied with the resignations of City Manager John Shaw and Police Chief Thomas Jackson. They were chanting in unison. 

The other one was volatile, angry, hurling profanities at the police, media and other protesters. Some skirmishes broke out among the factions.

At least two people were taken into custody, but those arrests occurred before the gunfire erupted.

Protestors say the shots did not come from within the group, but rather from atop a hill about 50 feet from the officers.  This video of the shooting doesn't show much, but the sound of the gunshots suggests that the shots were fired closer than 50 feet.

Some activists were upset when they didn't fire the police chief after the shooting of Michael Brown.  Now they're upset because the police chief was fired?  This kind of mindless protesting gives a perfect cover for those who want to watch the world burn.

You have to wonder if it's now open season on Ferguson police officers.

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