Which candidates are Evangelicals leaning toward?

The support of the Evangelical community is hardly decisive, even in a Republican presidential primary.  Otherwise, Pat Robertson and Mike "Diabetes Cure" Huckabee might be president.  Nevertheless, it's a solid voting bloc, and if there is no clear Republican frontrunner, they can be influential, especially in places like Iowa, which hosts the first caucuses in the nation.  A significant organizer in this election cycle is Evangelical leader David Lane.

Mr. Lane’s American Renewal Project has already shown its influence in Iowa by helping to unseat three State Supreme Court justices who voted to allow same-sex marriage.

Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal seem to be tight with him.

He has, among other controversial statements, called same-sex marriage and abortion "social evils" akin to slavery... when specifically asked on Monday about Lane's comments equating acceptance of homosexuality with support for slavery, Cruz embraced him. "David Lane, who's organized these events, is a good friend, and he is having a real impact energizing and mobilizing pastors across this country," Cruz said. "Part of the reason so much animosity has been directed against him is there are some in the political process who don't want to see people of faith engaged and speaking out for our values."

Jindal, too, called Lane a "great friend" and was "proud" to participate in the events he sponsored. "I'm a big believer that as a country we do need to turn to God," Jindal said. "We've had these spiritual awakenings throughout our country's history, and they've produced amazing benefits for our country. ... I think we're at one of these points in time where it's appropriate for us to turn to God."

Rand Paul even credits Mr. Lane with helping him find God.

“They say you’re anti-Israel,” Mr. Lane said he told Mr. Paul when they met, and asked if he had ever been to Israel. When Mr. Paul said he had not, Mr. Lane, whose daughter now works for Mr. Paul, asked if the senator would be interested in going on a tour with evangelical leaders from Iowa and South Carolina. Two years ago, Mr. Paul, his wife, Kelley, and their sons joined about 50 pastors and evangelical leaders on the trip. Afterward, Mr. Lane said, he received a note from Mr. Paul in which he wrote that he had awaked from a dream singing “How Great Thou Art”

Does that make Paul a born-again libertarian?  I would never question another man's religious beliefs, but I think a true indication of one's morality can be seen in actions, not words.  Rand Paul supports legalizing marijuana.  I don't think Jesus would ever smoke dope, nor do I think Moses would grow marijuana, nor would Buddha sell it to school children.  Paul's advocacy for dangerous drugs doesn't seem to jibe with his claims to have ascended to a higher moral plane.

What about Chris Christie?

After Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey made a good impression at a Republican event later that year, Mr. Lane offered him the chance to join primary state pastors on a “Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul II” tour to California, London and Rome.

“They turned it down,” said Mr. Lane, who smiled when asked if he thought that was a mistake.

While he admires Jeb Bush’s record as governor of Florida, especially his opposition to taking Terri Schiavo off life support, he scoffed at Mr. Bush’s choice for evangelical liaison, noting that he was “26 years old” and that his father was “behind Romney.” And as far as Mr. Bush’s hiring an openly gay communications director, he said: “I don’t understand what he’s up to. Personnel is policy.”

Do you think Mr. Bush might help himself with the Evangelical community by hiring more heterosexuals in senior roles in his campaign, or at least more closeted gay ones?

There was no substantive mention of Scott Walker, one of my favorite candidates.  But the Lord works in mysterious ways, and if I find any measure of Evangelical support for him, I will write a follow-up article.  Let the American Thinker be your one-stop source for political news during this hot campaign season!

Pedro Gonzales is the editor of Newsmachete.com, the conservative news site.  In the comments section, please let us know which candidate you feel is best suited to be an instrument of God's will.

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