Greens trash the Mall during pre-Earth Day concert

Have you hugged your planet today?  You should, because today is Earth Day.  The motto for this, the 45th anniversary celebration, is "It's our turn to lead."  Presumably, in previous celebrations, Martians instead of mere Earthlings were leading and trashing the planet.  

At a pre-Earth Day concert at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. last Saturday, too few garbage cans overflowed with styrofoam and plastic non-biodegradable, non-recyclable trash from Earth-lovers, most of whom did not walk or bike to the event, but added to the carbon by driving there or even flying in.  But hey, the cause trumps the reality.  

As Twitchy reported earlier, plenty of celebrities fired up their private jets Saturday morning en route to the Global Citizen 2015 Earth Day concert on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Now if the Tea Party, Republicans, or a religious group had left half the litter, the MSM would have mocked them.  But for this politically correct event the detritus was ignored, the cause praised.

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