Liberal absolution for liberal transgressions

Recent mainstream media headlines include stories detailing the Columbia School of Journalism’s scathing indictment of Rolling Stone’s lack of editorial controls and blatantly irresponsible reportage of the UVA “gang rape story”; the DOJ giving Lois Lerner, the IRS and themselves a complete pass for the weaponization of the IRS and their targeting of political opponents of the Obama administration; the total farce surrounding the Ferguson, MO “hands up, don’t shoot” false narrative; Senate Majority Leader (at the time) Harry Reid’s bald-faced lie from the well of the U.S. Senate – “the world’s greatest deliberative body” – regarding 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s failure to pay taxes for the ten previous years; and an Indiana reporter baiting an employee of a small pizzeria to utter a refusal to cater a hypothetical gay wedding.

What do all of these stories have in common?  The complete lack of accountability on the part of the offenders, and the absolute silence from their friends in the media to demand as much.

Jan Wenner, the publisher of Rolling Stone, on the heels of the Columbia Journalism School report has announced that Sabrina Rubin Erdely, the author of the article; Will Dana, the magazine’s managing editor; and Sean Wood, the editor of the article will all keep their jobs.

Upon her pass from the DOJ, Ms. Lerner’s attorney tells us his client is “pleased to have this matter resolved and looks forward to moving on with her life.”  How very nice for her.  I suspect that the victims of Ms. Lerner’s crimes would also like to have their matters resolved and to look forward to moving on with their lives, without the harassment of the federal government’s dogs of war – IRS, EPA, FEC, HSA, OSHA, and who knows how many others that were unleashed upon them.

“Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” – I understand they are rounding up some of the little people involved in the rioting and chaos, but the real instigators – Obama, Holder, Sharpton, not so much.  Even the Washington Post has come out to declare the fraud this “story” was built upon, although without taking any responsibility whatsoever for its part in advancing this complete fiction.

When asked about his lies about Romney from the floor of the Senate, a smug and remorseless Harry Reid had this to say: “Romney didn’t win, did he?”  And that’s pretty much the last we’ve heard or will hear about this shameless violation of Mr. Reid’s position of power and his usurpation of the public trust.

The Indiana pizzeria story amounts to a small, insignificant, and powerless business being victimized, with the owners’ lives threatened, and with them ultimately run out of business by the liberal mob, encouraged by the liberal blogosphere, with the arbiters of tolerance at Buzzfeed leading the rally.

This is what justice looks like in the age of Obama.  Liberalism means never having to say you’re sorry or to take even the slightest measure of responsibility, even when all of the evidence points to your unequivocal guilt, knowing that always your liberal friends will have your back.

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