Obama: Betrayal of the black community

It is ironic that blacks fared far better under Bill Clinton – touted by author Toni Morrison and the left as America's first black president – than under Mr. Obama, whose polarizing words, actions, and policies have caused irreparable harm to the black community.  The election of the actual first black person to the presidency, a junior senator with no previous appreciable accomplishments – and no domestic governing or international negotiating experience – was a giant leap of faith.  But despite a multitude of bald-faced lies and mounting administration scandals, perhaps Mr. Obama's greatest sin has been his ongoing, calculated attack on the American societal fabric and the Constitution itself.

Think of the deliberate squandering of a singular golden opportunity: Mr. Obama's presidency could have been the embodiment of MLK's "Dream" rather than its antithesis.  Mr. Obama could have chosen to unify and heal societal rifts that have existed in America's foundations rather than exploit them for Democratic Party and/or personal political gain.  Any black Republican president would have promoted racial understanding as MLK did, focusing on urban problems such as single-parent households, gang violence, the diminishment of poverty, and the development of character by stressing individual responsibility, minority education, and economic advancement.

But Obama didn't do that.  Like the theme song from the '70s sitcom The Jeffersons, Mr. Obama moved right on up – not to a deluxe apartment in the sky, but to something better and frankly inconceivable to previous generations: the Oval Office.  It's unfortunate, but it's clearly demonstrated by Mr. Obama's lack of commitment to the advancement of his fellows.  Look at the deplorable state of affairs in the black community today.  Look at black unemployment, incarceration, and poverty rates versus whites.  Look at Ferguson, MO.  Look at the virtually ignored murder rate of black young men in America's Democrat-controlled inner cities; the Middle East would be safer for them than Chicago, Mr. Obama's hometown. 

Specifically, Mr. Obama's myopic focus and politically motivated distortion of the token tragedies of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown promote the false general narrative of "black victims" by "white perpetrators."  The truth is that most blacks are killed by other blacks.  For example, per 2012 FBI crime statistics, of 2,648 black homicides, 2,412, or 90%, of the perpetrators were black.  Mr. Obama's purpose is to inflame racial dissension, like a nefarious magician's sleight-of-hand, to keep people stirred up and distracted from the real pink elephant in the room: his monumental leadership failures.

It is the absurd Orwellian notion of the president of the United States as powerless victim.  Sound familiar?  This is all political smoke designed to keep the electorate divided, unhappy, and voting Democrat.   

As president, Mr. Obama remains petulant and defiant.  Because of his melanin levels, he knows that he can always successfully play the race card against political foes.  His confidence has been buoyed by re-election and a historic turnout of 90% of blacks, who have voted him in and continue to support him no matter what he does.  Therefore, why should he do anything to positively promote their interests?  To Mr. Obama, black folks are just political pawns – a voting bloc already in the bag, ripe to continually exploit for his own cynical ends.  By employing economic policies that depress the economy and encourage dependence on government assistance programs, Mr. Obama has kept black folks among others on the Democrats' voting plantation.

Controlling a person's stomach goes far in determining his or her vote.  Similarly, wrongly demonizing Republicans as benefit-stealing racists at every turn is just a political strategy with the same goal: to maintain and expand Democratic political control.  Mr. Obama's loyalty to the Afro-American community is skin deep and remains a superficial basis upon which to elect future U.S. leaders. 

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