Poll reveals huge majority of British Jews will vote Conservative

British Jews are far ahead of the American co-religionists in rejecting the left’s siren calls.  The Jewish Chronicle reveals the results of a poll of British Jews:

British Jews will vote overwhelmingly for the Conservatives, an exclusive JC poll has revealed.

Asked who they would support in next month’s general election, 69 per cent of Jewish voters said they would support the Tories. Only 22 per cent said they would vote Labour.

David Cameron enjoys substantial personal support among the community. He was said to have the best attitude towards British Jewry by 64 per cent of people. Labour leader Ed Miliband was seen as the best supporter of the community by only 13 per cent.

Other parties including the Liberal Democrats and Ukip barely registered any support. Two per cent said they would support the Lib Dems, slightly ahead of those planning to vote for Ukip.

The U.K. will hold a general election on May 7.  An average of polls via the U.K. Telegraph shows Labour and Conservatives in a close match, with UKIP, the anti-EU nationalist party, ahead of the Liberal Democrats.

The Jewish vote in the U.K. is not large enough to swing the election, but every little bit helps the Conservatives, as Labour traditionally does very well among Muslims.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that Israel is a very important factor for British Jews:

Around 73 per cent of Jews said the political parties’ attitudes to Israel were “very” or “quite” important in influencing how they would vote.

If American Jews were to swing Republican, the most important effect would be on Florida, a swing state with a large Jewish population.  Ohio and Pennsylvania also have significant Jewish populations, but the other two states with large Jewish populations, New York and California, are Democrat strongholds unlikely to be affected.

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