A Mother's Day gift from Hillary

Still searching for that perfect gift for Mom for Mother's Day?  Well, do I have one for you!  A former first mom and now a wannabe first grandmother, Hillary Clinton herself is willing to call your mom on her special day to wish her the best.  And no, she won't charge her standard $300,000 speaking fee; she – or her campaign – just wants your name, phone number, and e-mail address for a chance to win "a Mother's Day call from Hillary," "a Mother's Day gift to remember."

And, believe it or not, according to the site, "[n]o purchase, payment, or contribution is necessary to win, and will not improve chances of winning."

Don’t believe it.  As this is the Rodham-Clinton Democratic family combine, a gotcha message pops up if you actually do divulge your private contact info.  

Believe it.  Thanks, Hillary, for staying true to form.  

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