Anti-cop race agitators claim another victim

A young woman with a winning smile is now unemployed, thanks to her buying into the lies of the race agitators and repeating them on social media. Sierra C-Babi Mccurdy used to have a job at Subway, until she took to Facebook and celebrated the murders of Hattiesburg, Mississippi police officers Benjamin Deen, 34 and Liquori Tate, 25.

Another post revealed the thinking behind her celebration:

“Police take away innocent people lives everyday now & get away w/ it , f---- them . . . (no mercy),” Mccurdy wrote.

Actually, no. Police do not take away innocent lives everyday. That is a lie promulgated by people who make money and gain power by racial unrest. They have no regard for Ms. Mccurdy, and none for the people who live in ghetto neighborhoods that are already crime-ridden, and will get worse as police hesitate to enforce the law.

For her own sake, I hope Ms. Mccurdy will read up on the statistics and apologize to the families of Officers dean and Tate. She looks young, and her stupid belief in racist propaganda should not ruin her life. But if not, she will become another victim of the race mongers. And she will have lots of company.

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