Justice for Freddie

For those who want justice for Freddie Gray, you can have it in a New York minute.

Now that the six officers have been charged, individually offer them immunity if they finger the officer who killed Freddie.  

The State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby laid out some very serious charges against all six‎ officers, as listed here:

Officer Caesar R. Goodson, Jr.

         1. Second-degree depraved heart murder (30 yrs.)

         2. Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.)

         3. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         4. Manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence (10 yrs.)

         5. Manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence) (3 yrs.)

         6. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)          

Officer William G. Porter

         1. Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.)

         2. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         3. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

Lt. Brian W. Rice

         1. Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.)

         2. Assault/second degree

         3. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         4. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         5. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         6. False imprisonment (8th Amendment)          

Officer Edward M. Nero

         1. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         2. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         3. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         4. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         5. False imprisonment (8th Amendment)          

Officer Garrett E. Miller

         1. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         2. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         3. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         4. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

         5. False imprisonment (8th Amendment)      

Sgt. Alicia D. White

         1. Manslaughter (involuntary) (10 yrs.)

         2. Assault/second degree (10 yrs.)

         3. Misconduct in office (8th Amendment)

Police officers may have a "blue bond", but I assure you, if it means going to jail to protect a bad apple in their midst, they will turn quicker than a ballerina.

It is highly unlikely that all six took part in slamming Freddie's head against the van bolt (as the coroner has reported), so someone in pa‎rticular was the cause of his death. It is unfathomable that all six officers could have actively taken part in his demise. Of course, that someone in particular may turn out to be Freddie himself, as his co-arrestee initially asserted, that "it seemed like he was trying to hurt himself."

If all six officers are prepared to go down, (and mark my words, someone is going down, for Freddie's death demands revenge, er, I mean justice), they are either stupid, or innocent.

‎There are only two possible scenarios, surrounding Freddie's death;

1) One or more of the officers roughed Freddie up, possibly throwing him across the van, where he inadvertently hit his head. For some to believe that an officer (or more) willfully executed Freddie, requires the abandonment of reason.

2)‎ Freddie Gray inadvertently caused his own death. 

Offer the innocent officers immunity for ‎the more serious charges, for their testimony in convicting the guilty party, or parties, in Freddie Gray's death.

Of course, advancing this idea would require rational actors seeking justice in this case, and not the perpetuation of ‎the (statistically) false narrative that white officers are intentionally killing black youth.

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