The Top 40 Conservative Websites: May 2015 Edition

The latest edition of the conservative websites top-40 is out, using website rankings from Alexa.

Standard disclaimer applies: not all of these websites publish exclusively conservative news and opinion (several are libertarian-oriented or a hybrid of conservative, liberatarian, and liberal viewpoints).

American Thinker has moved up into the top 30.

The Gateway Pundit and Newsbusters took the largest tumbles this month, falling five and four spots, respectively, since April.  Clash Daily has entered the top-40 at #39, up 7 spots from last month. dropped out of the top-40, down to #42.

Independent Journal Review is now up to the second spot in the rankings, in case readers were wondering whether this was a typo.  The site's metrics are certified by Alexa, suggesting that its astonishingly rapid rise up the ranks in recent months is real.

Outside the top 40, the Tea Party News Network continues its long slide.  It is now ranked #55.  Back in January, it was ranked #13 – ahead of National Review.

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