Understanding Baltimore's problems in two revealing maps

Regarding the unrest in Baltimore., everyone is focused on whether the police did or did not abuse one prisoner in its custody, and that is said to have sparked the riots that have ensued.  But we all know that Baltimore has bigger problems, which you can see from these two maps, the first from crimereports.com, the second from spotcrime.com

Each red triangle is a "registered sex offender" in the Baltimore area.  Sex offender is government-speak for a rapist or child molester.  And these are only the registered ones.  There are plenty more undocumented ones, hiding in the shadows, just waiting for amnesty, or as Jeb Bush might say, "an act of love."

This is a selection of crime incidents in the Baltimore area.  The flames are fires that are purposefully set.  Each big fist represents someone getting punched out in an assault.  Each man in black represents a burglary.  Each man in black with Richie Rich money bags shows where someone has been forcibly robbed.  The bullseye shows where someone has gotten shot – and not by the police.

Using the sardonically cartoonish logos above, you can see, block by block, where and how people have been violated in Baltimore.  Isn't it more than a little surreal that the crime map of Baltimore looks like a mashup of SimCity and World of Warcraft?

Two hundred thirty-three people were murdered in Baltimore last year, according to Neighborhood Scout.  One person may or may not have been wrongfully killed by the police, but 233 were killed by other citizens, nine times the national average.  Four hundred twenty-two people were raped, also not by the police, twice the national average.  Three thousand seven hundred fifty-three citizens of Baltimore were subject to forcible armed robbery, nearly six times the national average.  Four thousand four hundred seventy-six people were assaulted in Baltimore, more than three times the national average.

These are the big problems that Baltimore faces, not a bad apple or two on the police force.

This article was produced by NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

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