CEO of Catholic health care association genuflects to Obama and Obamacare

You probably thought Jonathan Gruber, with his disdain of stupid Americans, was responsiblefor getting Obamacare shoved down our throats.  Well, meet his partner in crime: Sr. Carol Keehan, CEO of the Catholic Health Association.

While addressing the Catholic Health Association at its 100th anniversary on Tuesday, Obama praised Keehan for her help with passing Obamacare.  "We would not have gotten the ACA done without Sr. Carol...I want to thank the Catholic Health Association," Obama said.  "Without your moral force, we would not have succeeded."

The CEO sister and the president apparently are best buds.  Shouldn't CEOs with million-dollar salaries have some kind of professional boundaries whereby they don't make decisions based on emotional attachments to other highly positioned leaders?

In April 2015 at the Easter Prayer Breakfast, Keehan fawned over Obama (see first minutes in video from C-Span).  The president was making his way to the microphone when he stopped and greeted the sister with a hug, and she in turn held his face briefly, as a mother might do with a child she is pleased with.

This is not to say Keehan is a pushover.  The reason she heads the nation's largest health care association has to do with her aggressive attitude when defending her position.  Her audacity and sense of power came into play recently when she commented on the King v. Burwell case.  LifeSite News reports, "Our nation took a giant step forward" with ObamaCare, Sister Keehan stated at the time.  "And now if this case is decided wrongly, we'll take a giant step back."

Were the American public ever asked if they wanted a CEO sister to direct the health care of 319 million people?

In 2009, Raymond Arroyo of EWTN interviewed Keehan about the pre-Obamacare health care bills being debated in the House and the Senate at that time.  Arroyo was concerned chiefly with the provisions for taxpayer-funded abortions and contraceptives and the lack of conscience protections for health care providers and business owners.  Keehan made quite clear that she would not support a final bill that allowed abortions to be paid by taxpayers.

"We will sacrifice our preferences, not our principles," Keehan said.  And "there will be no way we will allow ourselves to compromise our [pro-life] principles."  Yet the proof that Keehan and the Catholic Health Association did compromise their principles has been playing out for the past four years: HHS accounting tricks aside, Obamacare forces Americans to pay for insurance coverage that covers abortions.

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