Dear Pope Francis: Please stay out of the climate change debate

With all due respect to Pope Francis, I call on him to stay out of the climate change debate.  I hope that someone showed this new report to Pope Francis and others in the Vatican who are suddenly interested in this climate change debate.  

This is the report:

"Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

The U.S. Climate Reference Network was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide “high-quality” climate data. The network consists of 114 stations across the U.S. in areas NOAA expects no development for the next 50 to 100 years."

So much for that consensus that we've been hearing about.  

Cooling?  Warming?  It sounds to me as though there is a little confusion in the air.  Maybe we should study the issue a little more before jumping to conclusions!  

Pope Francis should continue to do what he does well – i.e., saving souls and delivering a message of hope to millions around the world.    

He should also call on governments to implement market-oriented policies to bring real prosperity to millions all over.   

What's man-made?  The answer is poverty, or the direct result of bad government policies holding people down.

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