Hillary took $200,000 from a kids' charity for a speech

The stunning disclosures keep on coming, as the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation releases new data on contributions.  Patrick Hawley of The Daily Caller breaks the story:

Hillary Clinton charged a kids’ charity $200,000 to speak — and she pocketed every dime.

Clinton reportedly charged the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach $200,000 for a speech earlier this year (snip)

Clinton spoke at a Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach fundraiser in California on March 3, reportedly speaking to 300 Long Beach “movers and shakers” at an event that was closed to the press.

Now, in fairness, the foundation has “gotta pay…bills,” like that ten thousand dollars a month going to Sidney Blumenthal, some of the “wonderful work” we always hear about the foundation doing.  And if you think it’s cheap to fly around on those private jets the foundation chartered for Bill and Hill (and Chelsea, too, I guess, ’cause she’s really, really important), well, you’re wrong.

Boys and Girls Clubs mostly serve underprivileged youth, but they gotta pay if they’re going to play with the Clintons.  A Mitt Romney or a Jeb Bush might speak for free to such a cause, but that’s not the Clinton Way.  Those memories of being “dead broke” leave scars, after all.

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