Michelle Obama 'sees herself' in hijab-wearing girls

Michelle Obama, in England at a school dominated by hijab-wearing girls (which is a sad commentary on the United Kingdom), told the girls:

“When I look out at all these young women, I see myself,” she told the room full of hijab-wearing girls.  And then went on to praise the local area, which is known for being a hot bed of Islamist activity and sympathy.

I thought about this and realized that if Michelle Obama sees herself in these fundamentalist Muslim girls, that implies that logically, there must be some aspect, or aspects of her life, that comply with that culture.

In fundamentalist Muslim culture, a woman is not allowed to walk outside alone without a male family member.  And, sure enough, we never see Michelle Obama walking outside alone without a mostly male member of her Secret Service.

In radical Islamic cultures, women are not allowed to drive.  Sure enough, Mrs. Obama does not drive, leaving that to her male assistants.

In many Islamic countries, millions of young Islamic women have their clitorises cut off so they won't experience sexual pleasure and will be more likely to be faithful to their husbands.  We don't know whether Mrs. Obama had this done, but we know how it is usually done.  If done traditionally, Mrs. Obama's mother would have held Michelle down, while a village elder cut off Mrs. Obama's clitoris with a razor blade.  There would have been a lot of blood, and Mrs. Obama might have bled to death or at the least gotten an infection from losing her clitoris.  In some Islamic cultures they also would have sewn Mrs. Obama's vagina shut, a process called infibulation.  

Does this sound graphic and horrible to you?  I hope so!  This is the culture that Mrs. Obama was praising. We need to expose the horrors of what she was trying to glorify.  When Mrs. Obama said she saw herself in those covered up Muslim girls, do you think it was because Mrs. Obama was infibulated, too?

Another aspect of Islamic culture: men are permitted to have up to four wives and are even permitted "temporary marriages" lasting as little as an hour.  While President Obama is technically married only to Michelle, there have been many rumors of his dalliances with other women.  Do you think Mrs. Obama takes separate vacations from Mr. Obama to permit him some temporary marriages?

Also in many Muslim cultures, it is often perfectly acceptable for a husband to beat or even whip his wife.  If President Obama beats Michelle and she accepts that, could that be another reason she identified with the hijab girls?

We don't know what exactly made Mrs. Obama identify with these oppressed girls.  But we do know she was praising a culture that humiliates, tortures, and mutilates women.

This article was produced by NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

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